Dr. med. Andreas

Bewertung - Docinsider

Dr. med. Steffen

Dr. med. Benjamin

Bewertung - Jameda

Focus Points

SPORTCHIRURGIE HEIDELBERG at the ATOS Clinic specializes in the treatment of bone fractures and sports injuries, such as torn tendons, ligaments and meniscus, as well as cartilage and arthrosis therapy. We treat you without surgery whenever possible, otherwise mostly in the form of fine minimally invasive surgery.

On our homepage you will find detailed information about our surgical focus. Click on the points on our model on the top right or follow this link.

In order to provide our patients with the highest level of expertise and safety, our physicians have targeted different areas of specialization.

Dr. Klonz is our specialist for shoulder and elbow, Dr. Thier for hip and knee. Dr. Weinkauf knee and shoulder and Dr. Weber knee and pediatric orthopedics.

Sports and the treatment of athletes are our passion – because we are athletes ourselves. The national rugby teams and several rugby league teams, the field hockey ladies of the MHC (1st Bundesliga), the handball players of the HG Oftersheim/Schwetzingen and other highly ambitious teams and individual athletes from the region trust our competence!

We love our profession and want the same for every patient: competent advice at eye level and therapies that get you moving again. We doctors and our practice team strive with heart and competence to make you feel comfortable and at ease. Through great personal and time commitment, we are available for urgent cases. We act in your best interest. Contact us – we are glad to be there for you.


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Exercise videos for the shoulder are online

The best surgery is only as good as the rehabilitation afterwards!

Our shoulder specialist Dr Andreas Klonz and Tobias Baierle, head physiotherapist at the ATOS Clinic, have put short videos online. In these, exercises specifically for the shoulder are shown and explained. For example: what can you do yourself directly after shoulder surgery? What can I do after 1, 2 or 3 months? How can I get dressed, wash myself or put on the abduction cushion? As a patient, you will find a lot of important information to help you get through the time after the operation.

The videos are available on our special shoulder website.



Neue Auszubildene

Die SPORTCHIRURGIE Heidelberg begrüßt die beiden neuen Auszubildenen Esther und Lea. Ariana kommt in das 2. Ausbildungsjahr.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an John und Maximilian, die beide Ihren Abschluß mit sehr guten Noten erreicht haben.



The best surgery is only as good as the rehabilitation afterwards!

Our shoulder specialist Dr Andreas Klonz and Tobias Baierle, head physiotherapist at the ATOS Clinic, have put short videos online. In these, exercises specifically for the shoulder are shown and explained. For example: what can you do yourself directly after shoulder surgery? What can I do after 1, 2 or 3 months? How can I get dressed, wash myself or put on the abduction cushion? As a patient, you will find a lot of important information to help you get through the time after the operation.

The videos are available on our special shoulder website.



Information zur Patellaluxation und zur MPFL Plastik

In unserer Rubrik ‘Schwerpunkte’ haben wir ausführliche und aktuelle Informationen zur Patellaluxation, zur Operation der Patellainstabilität und zur Nachbehandlung nach OP mit sog. MPFL Plastik zur Verfügung gestellt.

(Abb. mit freundl. Genehmigung der Fa. Karl Storz)

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More Info about Shoulder Dislocation

In our section ‘range of services’ we present more Information about shoulder dislocation, shoulder instability, labrum and SLAP lesions.

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24.12.17 | Dr. Oliver Stock – Specialist for Arthroplasty of Hip and Knee Joint

23.10.17 | ACL Surgery for Sam Rainger

04.08.16 | Cartilage repair

Alle Artikel ansehen
Verletzungen und Erkrankungen des Schlüsselbeins:  
Verletzungen und Erkrankungen der Hand:
Verletzungen und Erkrankungen des Hüftgelenks:
  • Fractures
  • Osteoarthritis
Verletzungen und Erkrankungen des Fußes:
General Considerations
Spezial Treatments